See ya, 2020.

journalling 2020 journal self care end of year

So we've finally made it. 


Everything is starting to wrap up. Especially here in the UK where we are back into the top tier of lockdown. Work is on the back burner and it really is time for us all to rest and reflect. 


There are a few things I will be doing to recoup and restore over the holiday break:


  • Catching up on a selection of online workshops (for biz and pleasure) eg. wellness and mysticism powerhours from Holisticism.

  • Expanding my knowledge of the chakras with the genius of yin yoga, Paul Grilley. Learning how to use them in my meditation practice - and in my teaching, too!

  • Setting myself up for financial success with Morgan's newest Money Mindset ebook.

  • Trying out some new yoga flows from the very talented and inspiring Jessamyn @ THE UNDERBELLY.

  • Listening to my version of Christmas music (I'm not a traditional xmas song kinda gal, sorry). Swingy songs by Frank Sinatra are a perfect uplifting accompaniment to this time of year.

  • Taking many walks to get outside and feel the cool winter air on my face. And hopefully some warm winter sun, too. A girl can wish… it is Christmas, right?!


Of course, I will also be reflecting on the year gone past and trying to focus on the many incredible successes and joys it has brought. 


Most notably, this has been my new baby business (thank you for always supporting The Fig!), and the small but mighty community that surrounds it. This incredible network of people who have become family throughout this crazy year, and via the internet no less, have been a saviour for me. 

And you are one of them. 


I hope I have been able to offer some guidance, education, comfort and joy to you this year. If it is even an iota of what you have given me, through your support and kind words and click-throughs (thank goodness for e-newsletters!), then I think I've done alright. 


I'll be back in the New Year with more yoga teaching and self-care goodness. 


Stay safe, look after yourself and others during this holiday time. Always here if you need me. 

This week’s recs

An invitation to ditch your New Year's resolutions. Why doing this will best serve your self-acceptance in 2021 and what to do instead.

Manoj Dias


I flowed through possibly the most creative yoga sequence I have ever practiced this week, with the one and only Rose Louey from Humming Puppy Melbourne. Poses I didn't know existed (or were possible for the human body) were interwoven with Rose's upbeat, casual teaching style, strong ujjayi pranayama and the infamous ‘hummm’. If that isn't worth signing up to a free 14-day trial for, I don't know what is. 

Humming Puppy Online


Last minute presents need purchasing? Try one of these 'one stop shop' ethical marketplaces!

The Good Trade 


Have you ever thought about your working rights as a yoga teacher? I hadn't. This podcast episode is worth a listen.

Teaching Yoga - A Podcast with Cora Geroux


I've been really missing dancing the night away with friends and loved ones during this pandemic. The joy of moving your body for no purpose other than to enjoy yourself, the music, and each other's company... Pretty hard to beat that, but these online dance sessions get close. I recommend trying Norby's classes - her moving meditation segments always bring me to tears. 



