

5 powerful practices for successfully overcoming (serious) self-doubt 

and how to implement them in your day, every day.

The Fig Yoga Self Doubt Ebook Free Practices

Before I discovered these 5 practices, the serious self-doubt days had been coming hard and fast. 

Today I'm sharing what I wish I'd known when I first got into teaching. 5 different stories about how I put the days of crippling self-doubt behind me.

After I’d been teaching yoga for quite a while, I was finding it confusing that I was STILL unsure of how to handle the unsettling emotions that were arising whenever I stepped on to my mat.

I was nervous, doubtful, scared of tripping up. I felt alone, unsure of my abilities and ultimately, ill-equipped to move forward and carve a different path. The path I really wanted, which was one of unwavering self-belief.

When these difficult days rolled around, oftentimes throwing in the towel truly seemed like the best answer. Sound familiar? 

But funnily enough, I powered through. I was able to develop a toolbox, so to speak, of ways to handle the self-denial and mistrust in myself that emerged, in particular when it came to teaching my classes. And so, this EBOOK was born! 

Through implementing these 5 simple practices, my self-doubt days have become a much less prominent feature in my emotional calendar. The belief I have in myself and my potential success has honestly skyrocketed!! I’m much more open to trying new things, asking more questions and I’m a lot less judgmental of myself in the process, both on and off the teaching mat. 

And what if I were to tell you, that all you needed was a journal, this FREE EBOOK and that beautiful brain of yours? 

I hope the practices included in this EBOOK - plus the 7 free BONUS printable prompts!! - offer some helpful guidance, so that you too can start navigating your way along the path of finally overcoming all that seriously annoying self-doubt. 

So grab your journal and pen (or notes on your phone), download your free ebook HERE and let's get into it!