Who We Are



Our intention is to provide a place to lean. 


The Fig is a support system for yoga teachers.

A space to learn, grow, and connect in the name of self-care, expansion, and healing. 

We acknowledge, accept, and celebrate the significance of our personal wellbeing, as individuals, as well as teachers. We reckon it is pretty challenging to guide and support others if we aren’t first looking out for ourselves, right?

This platform is built on the concept that from shared experience comes growth.

Not just growth for the individual, but for the collective masses too. Here at The Fig, we value the magnitude of lessons that can be learned from the other individuals also navigating this path of teaching yoga. What better way than to do it together. 

From sequencing troubles to shadow work, invoice organisation to self-belief struggles, when it comes to the hardest parts of the yoga teaching journey, we can often feel extremely lost. But in fact, we are never alone. When times get tough, we believe that it is crucial to lean on the experiences of our global community of teachers, who have all been there before, as a way to get through.

And now you are here at The Fig, we hope that you can lean on us, too. 

Our three pillars of purpose.

#1. All teachers deserve to have the tools and guidance, and ultimately the self-belief, to reach for their dreams. We want to gift our help along this journey of growth. Everyone has it in themselves to succeed, and feel really, really great - in body, mind, and soul - whilst doing it.

#2. We’re here to encourage self-confidence, self-care, a sense of true belonging, and the acceptance of who we authentically are.

That is that you are, at the very least, a damn good yoga teacher.

#3. Through the creation of a yoga teacher’s network, we are aiming to bring together those who are apart. We endeavour to collectively grow TOGETHER, lifting each other up as we go, learning from one another every step of the way.


Lily Olsberg

Founder, CEO, Resident fig-fanatic 

The Fig was born from a desire to experience more collective growth within the yoga teaching space. 

When I left Melbourne in 2020 (ugh, thanks COVID-19), I felt I lost my place to lean. Separated from my yoga community by many miles of land and sea, as well as a bunch of hours in time difference, I found myself back at square one of my teaching journey; alone, confused and very lost. Perhaps you’ve been there? 


I felt pretty isolated and I didn’t know where to turn to for connection, encouragement, further education, or even just some advice. I wanted to share what I had learned from the lessons of my own journey and path. I was missing supporting others, too. 

Then I turned to the Internet. That’s when The Fig came to be.

Now I use my experience as a yoga teacher, customer service whizz kid (hello telephone sales!), and marketing manager to do what I do best within my physical community, but on a wider, digital scale.

At The Fig, we share our own experiences and accumulated knowledge for the sole purpose of helping others grow and shine. We aim to provide a safe and supportive place of community and learnings - and so much more - to yoga teachers far and wide.