Creator of all the words, art and music to fill your heart with joy.

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Introducing… Moshe Topol

My name is Moshe! I am a writer, musician, artist, mentor, teacher, and reiki healer living in the Northern Rivers of Byron Bay, Australia. I am passionate about evolution and transformation.

I like to think of my sadhana as a dress rehearsal for life, which really is the main show. My favourite reminder is that the practice of yoga truly begins at the end of an asana class, once you step off the mat and out into the world. If you can move through life and interact with equanimity and grace, then the practice of ‘yoga’ becomes so much more than physical postures and poses, and instead becomes the art of being, the art of living.


Moshe shares…

A favourite low cost self care practice

Breathing is free! Learning to work with and harness life force by deepening the breath, speeding it up, and slowing it down is one of the best and most important techniques in my arsenal for self-care and regulation.

A favourite luxury self care practice

A deep tissue massage combined with acupuncture and cupping... brilliant!

A favourite yoga practice

Yin will forever be where I reach such substantial healing, and spaciousness for creativity to pour through. Activating the voice and singing as an offering to the divine is equally as transformative for me too.

An inspiring yoga podcast/article/book

Perhaps this isn’t a conventional ‘yoga’ book, although ‘A New Earth’ by Eckhart Tolle is essential reading, and really emphasises the role of these practices in returning to peace and allowing that to be the foundation for the era of consciousness we are shifting into.

Music he likes to teach to

Slow house, ethereal beats, ancient woodwind and brass instruments.

A tip that helped him feel comfortable teaching in front of others

‘It is not about me. I am there in service.’

A favourite yoga cue

‘What would actually happen if you let go?’

A tip for teaching over zoom

Treat your students with the same care you would in person! We all certainly yearn to feel held during these times.

A tip for feeling confident talking with your students before/after class

A stranger is just a friend you haven’t met.

A tip for building a community of students

A strong value system that is shared between people creates a beautiful and harmonious community. Cultivate your values and people will magnetically come.

A tip for building / meeting a community of other teachers

Practice together! Create together! Share your gifts and elevate one another.

His favourite way to come together in community

Through dance, song, and prayer.

A tip for teaching

The world is waiting for your medicine. Let go of doubt and share your light.

An inspiring self care book/podcast/article

Inwards by Yung Pueblo

His favourite way to close a practice

With prayer and song.

Where to find Moshe…

Moshe published his first book, Forgiveness is a Superpower, in 2020 - a voyage through 360 degrees of self-forgiveness inviting a return to the Self. You can purchase it, here.

This year Moshe will publish his second book - a collection of poetry titled ‘The Bridge,’ a voyage from grief, through to growth, into gratitude, and ultimately to grace. "By sharing the vulnerable parts of my experiences through my creative expression, I hope to lead people back into their hearts, and dissolve all illusions of separation that remain in the collective consciousness.”

You can learn more about Moshe’s offerings, from music, to art, and reiki (Northern Rivers area) on his website.

Stay updated & get inspired…

