The woman inspiring women to own their womanhood.

Melissa Mai

Introducing… Melissa Mai

Hello! I'm Melissa Mai. I've been teaching Yoga for almost 8 years and have recently expanded my offerings to support women in their blossoming and accessing their power.

Yoga has been a profound gift to my life (isn't that why we all become teachers?). Although I was drawn to the practise for the physical element, the asana has become secondary to everything else that is Yoga. I carry my relationship with my breath and my connection with the Divine very close, everywhere I go, every day.

I've taught Yoga consistently for the (almost) 8 years I have been a qualified teacher, as well as managed a Yoga Studio, and mentored many new teachers on their journey. The world needs more 'Yoga Teachers' no matter how many there already are. The world needs human's who share from their heart, who are doing their best to hold space for others to learn what they need to learn. And mostly, the world needs human's who are dedicated to the path of learning and unlearning, and that is the path of a Yoga Teacher.


Melissa shares…

My favourite yoga cue

'Soften' - I've never met anybody who doesn't benefit from this cue. Even in a strong practise, the softening of the jaw, eyes and face, help to the students to soften the tension in the mind and drop more fully into the present moment. They get to practise 'Sthira Sukham Asanam' - the balance between effort & surrender.

A tip for feeling confident talking with your students before/after class

Let the students lead. Your role is to be open - smile, be accessible (within a distance they could ask you a question/start a conversation), and be very conscious not to be seeking praise or thanks after a class. We can at times, be wanting reassurance that our class was received well, however it is not our students job to fill that insecurity for us. Stay aware of this seeking, and remember you are here to be of service... 'What is it that my student needs from me before or after class?'

My top tip for teaching

We are flawed humans, who are ebbing and flowing through our days and weeks like everyone else. It is OK to deliver a class that isn't what we deem as 'perfect'. It is more important to embrace humanness than it is to be perfect. Be yourself: move and speak from your heart as much as possible. Do your best, and the rest is up to them. Let them have their experience. Most of the time our students' experience has little to do with us, and a lot to do with them. Where they're at in the moment emotionally, mentally, physically, and how open they are to receive etc...

My favourite luxury self care practice

Luxury experiences for me are when I have longer than 30 minutes alone! Having a 1 year old baby girl and parenting solo, time alone is very luxurious. When I am gifted with an hour or more alone, I love to take care of my womb space. I will use my Yoni Egg and have a Yoni Steam, and intentionally offer my presence, and love to this area of my body.

If you're interested in learning more about these practises feel free to reach out. If you would like to know where I buy my eggs etc from... visit (I have a discount code you are welcome to use too: MMAI10)

My favourite yoga practice

My favourite classes online are from Elena Brower. She has been an inspiration for me as a teacher and just as a human. She is grounded, connected, intelligent and heart centred. You can find her online classes at

Where to find Melissa…

To further connect with me, I teach in person Yoga classes in Melbourne, Australia at Humming Puppy, Willow Urban Retreat + The Light Practice.

I also run Yoga Retreats and Women's Immersions in person around Australia - the next one is November 2021 in Byron Bay. International retreats and Women's Immersions will be available once it's safe to travel again and the world opens up.

Stay updated & get inspired…



