My personal ‘lockdown practice’ saviour


Introducing… Jess Learoyd

Hi! I’m Jess. A yoga teacher based in London [and still navigating my way around our online practice]. I teach Power, Dynamic Vinyasa, Vinyasa, Yang to Yin and Yin. Teaching the mix of Power and Yin throughout my weeks keeps me so balanced - my yin classes always seem to be just when I need them.

After dipping in and out of a few classes here and there, I’d say my yoga journey ‘began’ whilst living in Sydney over 5 years ago. A friend took me along to her favourite class, I was SO intimidated.. Everyone was binding, handstanding, doing the splits. I felt so out of my depth. I’m not naturally flexible, so at the start there was a lot of frustration. But I kept going back, as I knew that it wasn’t just about that.

Hooked by the strong and sweaty practice which kept me going back, I soon discovered the huge benefits for both my physical and mental self. Using my breath to cultivate space within, getting lost in the rhythm of movement, exploring layers so much deeper than the physical. 

One of the main things yoga has taught me is patience. How to be patient with myself, with my body and with my practice. This is something I relay throughout my teachings. Hence my love for strong and slow, not rushing to get anywhere, losing yourself in the feeling of the asana and most importantly the transitions between them. Listening to every breath and trusting yourself. 

Partnered with the reminder that our practice of yoga isn’t solely the asanas. We allow time to step on our mats to create space and growth from within, to then take it off the mat. Finding a way for you to be the best version of yourself every day.


Jess shares…

My favourite low cost self care practice

A Bath. Lights off, candles on. Maybe music, a book, maybe just you [I’m currently obsessed with crystal bowl sound meditation]. Close your eyes and let the water hold you, relaxing every part of you. The last 5 minutes, let yourself just focus on what doesn’t serve you, energy that may be weighing you down, take out the plug and let it all escape from you down the drain. This will leave you feeling grounded and connected.

My favourite luxury self care practice

A massage, honestly can’t beat it. Teaching full time and on the move constantly your body definitely needs that release every so often. An hour away from your screen, the outside world, just in that space. I feel I can really switch off.

My favourite yoga practice

Strong and Slow / Power. It's how I love to practice and what I love to teach.

For me, I’ve done a few classes where it's the one breath one movement style vinyasa, and it just feels so rushed. I trained in Ashtanga and Vinyasa, so I feel this kind of merge between the two just felt so right for me. The strength of the Ashtanga element where we hold it, feel it and build the inner heat, coupled with the play of vinyasa. I love creating new sequences, fun transitions and lots of balancing. Ones that will challenge us for sure, maybe a little frustrated but it keeps us present in our headspace and centred with our breath.

Music I like to teach to

Music is such a big part of my classes, I love making my playlists, especially for my flows and power classes. Linking the music alongside my flow to keep the energy in tune with each other. You don’t want a slow savasana style song when you're doing navasana holds. 

A tip that helped me feel comfortable teaching in front of others

Trust yourself and you do you. There are so many teachers, so don’t try to fit into any mould or think you should be doing what your favourite teacher does, do what feels right for you. Some may love, so may not and that’s so fine.

Remember you began teaching for a reason so let that energy and passion shine through. Let go of the pages of cues to say, take in the rooms energy, the bodies and it will come, trust yourself!

Your favourite yoga cue

“Let go” - we hold onto so much. Tension, ego, emotions. If it feels forced, let it go.

Your favourite way to close a practice

Bowing our heads to offer ourselves our practice, offering ourselves light and love, kindness and gratitude. To take it beyond the mat and share it with those around us. The reminder that our practice not only enriches our lives, but it ripples out to enrich the lives of those around us.

Where to find Jess…

For more info plus my livestream schedule, as well as where you can find me IRL as studios begin to open -

Ondemand library to practice whenever, range of styles, durations new members get a 7 day free trial -

Stay updated & get inspired…



